Have you ever heard of this phenomenon, shome? We have, and we've seen some gorgeous ones. For those of you who don't know, a shome is a shop/home. At P1FCU, we specifically call them Shop/Living Quarters. Let's learn some more about these unique homes!
What can we consider a shome? Basically, it is when your residence is attached to a large workspace. These types of homes are convenient for those who spend a great deal of time in their shop and would benefit from being able to walk between your home and workspace easily. Unlike typical homes, shomes are built with more substantial materials like wood and metal posts. They are often less prone to common pitfalls of traditional homes like moisture, mildew, leaks, and pests. With metal being the main source of protection, it can prevent termites, raccoons, and other small animals from being able to enter your home. Another reason people tend to build these styles of structures is that they favor the open concept look and the freedom it allows them when building rooms, entryways, and windows.
There are a few issues that can arise when building a shome. Although the structure may be used for a shop, to be considered a shop/living quarters, it must meet all local building authority requirements to be considered a shop/living quarters. Another condition is that these homes within city limits should have utilities (water and power) available to or on the site or must meet county requirements for a rural building site, including having water available, or a well, along with access to power. Land without the availability of connection to public sewer will require preliminary approval from the building authority or health authority to install a septic system.
Would you like to talk more about getting into the shome world? We have several construction loan officers that are the best at what they do, and they would love to be a part of your mortgage journey. Learn more by visiting our Construction Lending page.
This is for educational purposes only and not financial advice.