P1FCU Website Terms of Use
We are excited to provide the P1FCU website at the domain www.p1fcu.org ("Site"). The Site is provided subject to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully, as any use of the Site constitutes your agreement, including but not limited to our privacy policy. If you do not agree, please exit the Site at this time.
General Terms for all Users
For additional information about how we collect, share, and protect your personal information, please review our Privacy Statement. All information is either generated by us or is obtained from sources believed by us to be accurate and reliable as of the date posted on the Site. However, because of the possibility of human and mechanical error, delayed updates, as well as other factors such as the difficulty of securing a website from unauthorized alterations or the occurrence of a system breakdown or other unavailability, neither we nor any of our affiliates provides any representations or warranties regarding the Site or any information in it.
Site Usage
Our Site is intended to provide members of P1FCU ("you") easy access to information about P1FCU ("P1FCU," "we," or "us"). We grant you a nonexclusive, revocable license to copy or print an unaltered permanent copy of the information on our Site for your personal use, non-commercial purposes only. You may not otherwise copy, modify, publicly distribute or display, perform, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell anything obtained from this Site. You agree that you will not alter any Site information and will not use the Site or any information obtained from it for any wrongful, unauthorized, or unlawful purpose and agree to indemnify and hold us and our affiliates harmless from and against any loss, damage, or expense (including attorneys' fees) incurred because of any such use.
This website contains general information about financial-related matters and is intended for informational purposes only. Nothing on this website, including any interactive tools or calculators, is intended to provide personal, professional, financial, tax, business, or legal advice.
Links to Other Sites
The Site contains links to other sites. Some of the links from our Site will take you off the p1fcu.org site to a third party or co-branded Site where you may see the P1FCU logo as well as the logo of another service provider. Any information you provide to these third-party and co-branded sites is collected by the service provider. Each of these third-party and co-branded sites has separate privacy statements. Please be aware that P1FCU cannot be responsible for the privacy practices or content of other sites. We also have links from p1fcu.org to fully branded service provider sites. As you view information on a fully branded site you will see a change in the URL but the pages appear as P1FCU's, and the service provider is not identified. All information collected on fully branded sites is used by P1FCU only and is not shared or used for any purpose other than processing your application and providing the requested service, but may be transferred as part of an acquisition or an insolvency proceeding.
Computer Virus Information
It is possible to contract a computer virus or other malicious code by using the Internet or materials downloaded from it. We cannot assure you that the Site and any software or additional information downloaded from it will be virus or problem-free and disclaims any liability (if any) for viruses and similar problems. We attempt to keep our site virus-free but cannot assure you that our efforts will always be successful. By accessing and using this Site, You agree with and acknowledge the above stated information on computer viruses or other malicious code and You agree that you will access and use this Site at your own risk of possibly contracting a computer virus or other malicious code.
No Incidental or Consequential Damages
To the full extent allowed by applicable law, you agree that neither we nor any of our affiliates will be liable to you and/or any third party for any consequential or incidental damages (including but not limited to lost profits or lost opportunity) or any other indirect, special, or punitive damages whatsoever, that arise out of or are related to the Site, or any use of it or information in it, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. This exclusion of damages includes damages claimed in any cause of action, including but not limited to legal or equitable proceedings and claims relating to contract, tort products liability.
Limitation on Damages and Exclusive Remedy
You agree that your recovery for any allowable damages will be limited to those that you incur in actual reliance and shall be limited, at our election, to: (1) a refund of any amount (if any) you paid for information from the Site or for any use that caused a problem or (2) correction or replacement of the information. Any failure or unconscionability of any remedy does not affect the enforceability of the limitations on and exclusions of consequential, incidental, and other damages, and you expressly agree that those limitations and exclusions are independent of the performance of any or all agreed remedies. All limitations will apply to all legal and equitable theories, including but not limited to contract, tort, and products liability.
Changes and Availability
We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions from time to time without prior notice to you. Each time you visit our Site, you agree to check for changes to Terms and Conditions. Your use of the Site constitutes your agreement to these Terms of Use. We also reserve the right to terminate the Site or your license, make access unavailable, and change the Site content, with or without reason or notice at any time.