Tips That Will Reduce Your Heating Bills
Heating bills have been more costly than ever this last year. Little things you do every day in your home can make a big difference in how warm your home is and how much your heating bill will cost. Save money where you can with these tips that can help you big time in the long run:
1. Check your furnace filter
Checking and changing out your furnace filter as necessary will help your heating system work as efficiently as possible. A more efficient heating system will help lower your heating bills. Furthermore, clogged air filters can reduce your air system's lifespan. Replacing your heating and air conditioning unit is a cost you want to avoid for as long as possible.
2. Maintain your doors and windows
Make sure the weather stripping and frames for your doors are in good shape. Doors that don't fit well in their frames and damaged weather stripping let cool air into your home, forcing you to crank up the heat. You can buy new weather stripping at your local hardware store and install it yourself pretty easily.
3. Check your attic insulation
Heat rises. If your attic isn't adequately insulated, you'll lose a lot of the heat your furnace produces through your roof. Check your attic floorboards to make sure there aren't any gaps.
By following through on this advice, you're not only saving on your heating bill now, but also helping the value of your home in the future. Energy-efficient homes are attractive to future buyers because they also want to see the benefits of lower heating costs. Furthermore, while they may want cosmetic changes, a more energy-efficient home is always a bonus for buyers.
If you're looking to install a better furnace, improve your home's insulation, or make more considerable home improvements this winter, you can finance them with a home equity loan from P1FCU. Get started with our expert mortgage lending team today.
This is for educational purposes only and not financial advice.